Alter Uluslararası Mühendislik ve Müşavirlik Hizmetleri A.Ş.

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ALTER Uluslararası Mühendislik ve Müşavirlik Hizmetleri Anonim Şirketi(ALTER International Engineering and Consulting Services Co Inc.) is an independent firm working with a group of engineers, architects and planners which offers multi-disciplinary engineering and consulting services for water management, environmental projects, transportation, buildings,disaster risk mitigation and renewable energy. Since its foundation in 1975, Alter has undertaken large volume of engineering projects in Turkey and neighbor countries, many of them financed by international agencies, such as WorldBank, IBRD, KfW, NIB, EIB, EU grants etc. 

Carrying out large and complex projects Alter have had the leading role in many pioneering projects in country and abroad. The range of services consitutes project management, planning, design and tendering, construction supervision, operations and training. ALTER’s main office is in Ankara while its permanent offices in Türkiye are in Istanbul, Adana, Eskişehir, and abroad established branch offices are in Pakistan and Uzbekistan (Taskent and Bukhara). Alter has also conducted a lot of projects in Saaudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen and Libya within the last 49 years.

Since 1975 Alter has managed a large volume of projects within diverse fields of engineering and consulting services. Accumulation and development of knowledge and sharing it at institutional level has gained prime importance in our management
concept. Conveyance of this understanding to our customers, partners and suppliers adds value to our consulting services.

ALTER provides science and technology based solutions. We enjoy compliance with the requirements of international quality norms and standards. We obey strictly to rules of safety, public health and environmental protection.




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