BATI INNOVATIVE LOGISTICS is a freight and project forwarding company with 10 offices in Turkey and Germany with 165 employees.
BATI INNOVATIVE LOGISTICS s very strong in Turkey and Germany for the cargoes to be transported by air and sea freight. As of September our Italy office have been activated which would be great to discuss the opportunities further.
Annually BATI INNOVATIVE LOGISTICS executes 55.000 Teus ofsea freight; 12 million kgs of air freight and 100 + project shipments such as windmills, transformers, yacht transportation and etc.
BATI INNOVATIVE LOGISTICS is also very strong for the cargoes moving through transit corridors via Turkey (Mersin and Iskenderun) to Iraq and all CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and other).
BATI INNOVATIVE LOGISTICS is also one of the leading organization on the transportation of specialized cargoes such as bulk liquids with FLEXITANKS and TANK CNTRs.