Our Company is active more than 30 years in this business.
The Company Pia Frucht has three packing stations at the points strategically most important for cherries,Figs,Table-Grapes,and citrus fruits.
The packing stations are in Isparta-Uluborlu,Manisa-Alasehir and Bursa-Ovaakca.
The fruits are cleaned,automatically sorted,inspected for defects and packed in one of the most modern machines.
Our Laboratory has been taken into operation in 2006 and from the beginning of 2007,our laboratory has completed the accreditation procedure fort he international standars norms.in 2016,in addition to our laboratory in Alasehir,we also set up a new laboratory in Bursa.We are able to analyze up to 650 active substances in both laboratoties which are includes high polar pestiicides like fosetyl,ethephon and glyphosate.
Our producers are all certificated with GlobalGap/Grasp and our company has IFS.